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About Closed PODs

Thank you for your participation and support of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s (PDPH) Mass Medication Program. During emergencies that require medication be provided to a large portion of the Philadelphia population, PDPH relies on the support of closed points-of-dispensing (POD) partners (like you) to provide assistance in reaching everyone in the quickest and most effective manner. As a closed POD partner, you will receive training from PDPH and be asked to participate in exercises to ensure and build response readiness.

Closed POD partners benefit from an increased ability to maintain operations during public health emergencies because staff will be able to return to their normal duties more rapidly if they and their families receive the medication needed to protect their health. The populations you serve will have less anxiety during an emergency and your staff may be more likely to report to work if they know your organization is prepared to provide these life-saving medications.

This webpage will help you to prepare your organization or facility to become a closed POD and will be your primary source of information during a public health emergency. If you have any questions about the closed POD program, please contact

The resources below provide more information about the closed POD program, including how to become one as well as what the operational procedures would be.