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Other Respiratory Viruses

View Previous Years

The following graphs depict the aggregate results of PDPH's respiratory virus surveillance. Care should be taken with the interpretation of these results. These summaries display the provisional, year-to-date counts (or, in some cases, percentage positivity) of respiratory viruses by week of report. Comparable data for preceding years are shown as well. All surveillance data are preliminary and are not intended for further distribution.

Activity Summary

For week 21 of 2024, rhinovirus/enterovirus detections have increased in recent weeks. During May, human metapneumovirus activity declined from peak activity in March and April. Parainfluenza virus type 3 detections decreased but also remain high overall. Parainfluenza virus type 1, parainfluenza virus type 2, adenovirus, and RSV activity remained at low levels.

Laboratory-Based Surveillance for RSV

Laboratory-Based Surveillance for Rhinovirus/Enterovirus

Laboratory-Based Surveillance for Respiratory Adenovirus

Laboratory-Based Surveillance for Human Metapneumovirus

Laboratory-Based Surveillance for Parainfluenza